Publisher Partners
Born out of the partnership between Vox Media & NBCUniversal, Concert brings the best publishers across the web together under one roof.
Born out of the partnership between Vox Media & NBCUniversal, Concert brings the best publishers across the web together under one roof.
Born out of the partnership between Vox Media & NBCUniversal, Concert brings the best publishers across the web together under one roof.

The Concert Portfolio
The Concert Portfolio
Concert reaches 230MM monthly uniques, 86% of the total digital population in the United States.
Concert reaches 230MM monthly uniques, 90% of the total digital population in the United States.
Concert’s portfolio of publisher partners is made up of ~80 brands, versus the typical 3.5k that make up other ad networks online. Current publishers include Vox Media, NBCUniversal, The Atlantic, Condé Nast, Hearst Newspapers, and more.
Concert’s portfolio of publisher partners is made up of ~80 premium brands, versus the typical 3.5k that make up other ad networks online. Current publishers include Vox Media, NBCUniversal, The Atlantic, Condé Nast, Hearst Newspapers, and more.
Our publisher partners all follow the same pillars - authoritative & passionate, trustworthy & brand-safe, dedicated audiences, and quality obsessed.
What our teams offer
What our solution offers
What our teams offer
Increased Revenue
High quality, unique demand at premium CPMs.
Increased Revenue
High quality, unique demand at premium CPMs.
Beautiful Ads
The Athena is always user first, and never covers or sticks to your editorial content. We seamlessly integrate within article content to never sacrifice the user experience.
Beautiful Ads
The Athena is always user first, and never covers or sticks to your editorial content. We seamlessly integrate within article content to never sacrifice the user experience.
High Quality Service
Hands-on technical, strategic, and product support.
High Quality Service
Hands-on technical, strategic, and product support.
Easy Integration
Concert ads integrate into your existing ad slots, preferably within content or in-article. Ads are completely dynamic and responsive.
Easy Integration
Concert ads integrate into your existing ad slots, preferably within content or in-article. Ads are completely dynamic and responsive.